API Documentation

Let’s take a look at how ploogz works.


Provide a brief description of the module.


Ploogins and Ploogin Loaders

class ploogz.ploogins.FsPlooginLoader

Bases: ploogz.ploogins.PlooginLoader

This is a ploogin loader that looks for ploogins in the local file system.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

load(search_path: typing.List[str]) → typing.List[ploogz.ploogins.Ploogin]

Load the ploogins found in the search paths on the file system.

Parameters:search_path (List[str]) – the paths the loader will search when the load() method is called
class ploogz.ploogins.Ploogin(name: str)

Bases: object

Extend this class to create your own ploogins!

__init__(name: str)
Parameters:name (str) – a helpful, descriptive, human-readable name for the plugin

An input for a L{MethodicalMachine}.

active = MethodicalState(method=<function Ploogin.active>)
initialized = MethodicalState(method=<function Ploogin.initialized>)

Get the helpful, descriptive, human-readable name for the ploogin.

Return type:str
ready = MethodicalState(method=<function Ploogin.ready>)

An input for a L{MethodicalMachine}.


An input for a L{MethodicalMachine}.

torndown = MethodicalState(method=<function Ploogin.torndown>)
class ploogz.ploogins.PlooginEventHandler(event: ploogz.ploogins.PlooginEvents, f: typing.Callable)

Bases: object

Instances of this are callable and wrap handler functions for well-known event ploogin event types.

__init__(event: ploogz.ploogins.PlooginEvents, f: typing.Callable)
  • event (PlooginEvents) – What type of event does this handler handle?
  • f (Callable) – the handler function

What type of event does this handler handle?

class ploogz.ploogins.PlooginEvents

Bases: enum.Enum

These are the well known events that occur in the life cycle of a ploogin.

ACTIVATE = ('activate',)
SETUP = ('setup',)
TEARDOWN = 'teardown'
class ploogz.ploogins.PlooginHost(search_path: typing.List[str] = None, loader: ploogz.ploogins.PlooginLoader = None)

Bases: object

Use a host object to load and retrieve your ploogins.

__init__(search_path: typing.List[str] = None, loader: ploogz.ploogins.PlooginLoader = None)
Parameters:search_path (List[str] or str) – the paths the plugin host will search when the load() method is called


If no search path is provided, the default path is builtin/ploogins under the current working directory.

initialized = MethodicalState(method=<function PlooginHost.initialized>)

An input for a L{MethodicalMachine}.

loaded = MethodicalState(method=<function PlooginHost.loaded>)

Get the ploogins loaded by this host.

Return type:Iterator[Ploogin]

An input for a L{MethodicalMachine}.

torndown = MethodicalState(method=<function PlooginHost.torndown>)
class ploogz.ploogins.PlooginLoader

Bases: object

Extend this class to create a ploogin loader that can look through search paths to find and instantiate ploogins.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

load(search_path: typing.List[str]) → typing.List[ploogz.ploogins.Ploogin]

Override this method to implement the loader’s primary loading logic.

Parameters:search_path (List[str]) – the paths the plugin host will search when the load() method is called
ploogz.ploogins.upon_activate(f: typing.Callable)

Use this decorator to mark your ploogin function as a handler to call upon activation.

ploogz.ploogins.upon_setup(f: typing.Callable)

Use this decorator to mark your ploogin function as a handler to call upon setup.

ploogz.ploogins.upon_teardown(f: typing.Callable)

Use this decorator to mark you ploogin function as a handler to call upon teardown.